Power’s Out

My power went out yesterday, for no obvious reason. I had just filled the sink to wash my cat’s dishes and put some chicken strips in the oven when it went out. I had to wash and carefully rinse the dishes, and then my dad helped me cook my chicken strips on the barbecue. I watched the horses over the rail of the deck while I waited. I love that I can see them from my house!

Then we all sat in the living room snapchatting each other random funny stuff until the power finally came back on. That’s what happens at my house when the power goes out. xD

On another note, the horses wait patiently by the fence every morning now for me to let them out on the grass. Destiny’s pretty much done shedding, but Molly’s still a bit fluffy. I’ve been brushing her every day, but no matter how much I do there’s always still hair! They both look really good though. :)

Spring Bonfires and Fun

This weekend was a weekend full of bonfires and fun! Mal came home from university on Saturday after his last exam, and he’s going to be working nearby during the summer. We found a place up in the woods that was perfect for a fire. It’s quiet, isolated, and kind of surrounded by hills to keep some of the wind out. We went there twice this weekend, but before starting the fire, we watched the sunset on the beach.

Near the area, there is a small pond of turquoise water, which does not look particularly appetizing but the colour is pretty. Jacob drove the truck near it so I could take a picture. Saturday night was beautiful. There was only a slight breeze that came up every once in a while. It snowed a little bit, but the heat of the fire melted the flurries before they could get us wet. We brought an old couch that Jacob had for us to sit on, and we loaded up the truck with firewood and old cardboard boxes.

It was a lovely night. Sunday morning, my whole family went for a walk, and then Jacob, Mal, and I cut some firewood for that night and piled it into the truck bed. We picked up some old hay bales and our old Christmas tree to clean up my yard a bit too, and used them to start the fire. There was an ornament still on the tree, and we were too lazy to get out the ornament box, so we burned that too. xD

We went for a short walk on the beach after that, and I tripped on a rock. “Don’t fall Hannah!” Mal exclaimed. “I’ll try not to,” I said, and just as I finished speaking, my foot slipped and I fell onto my stomach and almost slid head-first off the rock I was standing on. xD We were all laughing about it. Then when we got back to the truck, Mal stole my phone, and here is the result.

Then we went back to the fire spot for the second bonfire of the weekend. Complete with twizzles, gatorade, marshmallows, and roasted hotdogs. :) Did you do anything fun this weekend?


Guess What?

So, I got called ‘ma’am’ yesterday. It made me feel old. But everyone seems to think I’m 14 (or 12 or 10) so I guess that’s a good sign? xD

Anyway, here was my conversation with Mal from yesterday morning. Before I post it, I should mention that he and I purposefully use horrid spelling and grammar when we text each other, just for fun (which actually makes no sense because it takes longer to text that out and prevent it from autocorrecting than it does to just write in normal proper English), and his nickname for me is “Hody Pody.” And he also calls me a scrub (which is a fond insult, I suppose). Don’t ask me about the bagel part lol. I wrote it out in slightly more understandable terms than the original conversation.

I texted him just before I went back to work at 11:15 after my break.

Me: Duuuuuuude guess what?
Mal: What?
Mal: Why you a bagel?
Mal: Why you do this?

I was off work at 1:00, and I went downstairs to get my stuff and checked my phone. I literally laughed out loud when I saw what he had texted me while I was working. xD

Me: Lololololol
Me: Maybe I’ll never tell you.

Then I started driving home, so I couldn’t text him for the next 20 minutes. xD

Me: Lololololol
Mal: I’ll eat all your chocolate.
Me: You wouldn’t.
Mal: I would.

I laughed so hard. It was hilarious. xD The actual text messages are below, in case you want to see the original version of the conversation. Lol.

Easter Weekend

I had a great weekend, and I hope you did too! Mine was filled with fun times, chocolate, and sunshine… well, more or less sunshine. Lol!

On Friday, I went for a walk and ended up at the beach. While Jacob and I sat there, reminiscing about past fun times, a truck arrived. It was a family with three kids. They brought pizza to eat while they were waiting for the tide to come in so they could fish. I don’t know why, but it reminded me of the fun afternoons I’ve always had with my family. It looked like the kind of thing we would have done when Mal and I were that age. :) It made me smile to think of all the things we used to do when we were younger. We were always walking, biking, and exploring new places. Some things never change!

Friday night, my mom, dad, aunt “Titi”, uncle Brandon, Jacob, Mal, and I went for a walk on the beach. Naturally, I somehow became up to my ankles in mud trying to follow Mal and Jacob up a cliff and had to backtrack to go around the mud. That’s just the way the story goes when I’m there! The sunset was lovely and yes, of course I took some pictures of it. xD

When I came home from work on Saturday, we ate pizza and garlic bread at my nan’s house. Then we got Mal’s dirtbike running (after putting the battery back in it and replacing a fuse), drove the bikes to the beach and had a fire. It was cold though, so we didn’t stay there too long. The drive wasn’t bad (well, I mean, I was wearing two pairs of mittens, two sweaters, and a winter coat, so how could I possibly be cold?), just sitting on the beach was because the wind was constantly at us. It was still fun though!

On Sunday, we mostly spent the day watching various movies, and I made my semi-famous fudge. :p It tastes like summer.

We took advantage of the after-Easter chocolate sales on Monday, and I bought more chocolate than I should have. Then I got some more on Tuesday (I should not be allowed to work at a grocery store), and, well, here’s the result of that:


I love Easter. :3

How was your Easter weekend? Did you do anything fun? :)

It’s getting warmer!

This morning I went to one of my favourite places in town: a little pond a short walk alongside some train tracks. It was so peaceful and quiet, a perfect start to the day before I had to go to work later in the afternoon. :)

Revisiting 21 Things

As of yesterday, I am now 21 years old! It was a great day. We went skiing — I wasn’t able to go at all last year and I hadn’t gotten a chance to this year until then, so that was awesome. I also tried out snowboarding again for the last half hour of the day. On our way home, we stopped for pizza and finished the night off with a movie at home. :)

We actually opened presents on Saturday, celebrating my birthday, Mal’s, and my aunt Chantal’s. One of my presents, from my aunt Titi and uncle Brandon, was these delicious little chocolate chip cookie dough brownie bombs that Brandon made. They are amazing!

So now it’s time to revisit my old list of 21 Things To Do Before I Turn 21! I completed about half of the things on my list, which is more than I thought I would! Along with the ones I’ve already written about, I’ve started a couple of others. #9 is learn to play some songs on my guitar; I started learning a couple of parts of a few different songs, but I’m still working on that one! I rewatched the first few episodes of Friends (#14 on my list), so I’ll check that one off the list. I’m sure I’ll watch the whole thing over again sometime anyway. :) #15 on my list was to download more songs, and weed out some of the ones on my giant list of songs I’ve wanted to get over the past 10 years. I’ve done really well on that, and am almost through the whole list! #20 was to get better at barre chords. I’ve been working on them quite a bit and managed to play a song with one in it — not particularly well (I had to pause to position my hand for the barre chord every time), but I made it through the song so I guess I’ll count that. xD

So, I guess that leaves:

2. Shoot a real gun.
3. Win a game of Crokinole against my parents.
6. Ride Destiny on the beach.
8. Prestige on Call of Duty: Black Ops III.
9. Learn to play some songs on my guitar.
10. Finish all the seasons of Pretty Little Liars that are on Netflix.
12. Drive a motorcycle.
13. Fill up my 2014 graduation photo album with pictures from my graduation and 2014.
17. Take Molly for a trail ride.

That’s just 9 things that I didn’t do. I will try my best to do them before I turn 22! ;)

Replacing the belt

So, the belt on the snowblower got burnt off for the second time this winter. Helping Jacob replace it is always fun, because I never know what I’m doing and he thinks I’m crazy (oh yeah, I am).

Him: Here, hand me a 10mil.
Me: …a 10 millimeter what?
Him: Socket.
Me: Oh. *picks something up* I don’t know what this is. *puts it back and picks up something else* Here’s an 11mil one… *puts it back and keeps looking*

By then he just stood up and got it himself. xD I’m so helpful. Then he asked me if my dad had some “needle nose pliers,” so we went to the house to ask him. He came with me because he didn’t trust me to pronounce it properly.

Me: *walks in* Do we have any meatloaf spiders?
Jacob: She’s trying to say needle nose pliers.
Me: That is what I said.

Anyway, a little while later, the rest of the path to the barn from my house is snowblowed and we’re ready for more snow. Yay!